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March 28, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 28, 2016 – 4 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

4:03 PM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss with T.A. Nina Nazarian plus Advisory Board members after 5 PM with George Handy, John Shipman, Wayne Adams, David Cruise, Bill Lawton and Don Schoeny in attendance. Present for Fieldstone Farm were Charlie Wyman, Tom Sullivan and Deb Cary.
Selectmen went into executive session. Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Six - To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body.  Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that the Board would enter into executive session to discuss Fieldstone Farm and return to regular session after adjourning.

See separate Executive Session minutes

5:10 PM  Selectmen and Advisory Board started discussion on budget for May ATM, with slight changes since last meeting. The total increase for FY’17 is 2.6 percent. Stan explained that traditionally, department heads submit their budgets but hold off on any salary increases until selectmen have decided on a policy for that fiscal year. George H. asked why the accountant budget was up 46 percent for two years. Nina explained that a management letter from the auditors required adding better controls and practices. Last year the town was behind in reconciliations by seven months. The new accountant, after Janice retires in April, will be budgeted for $30./hour for up to 25 hours per week, up from the current 20 hours, to account for potential broadband needs. The hours actually needed won’t be known for a year, after broadband is accounted for. Nina stated that a consultant had been recruited for $13,000 to investigate the situation and that the entire financial team, over many years, was responsible for any lax procedures.
        Nina explained details around “growth” items on the spreadsheet report and George pointed out some missing or incorrect numbers—Nina will amend and distribute a corrected version. He also noted big increases for Monty Tech, more than would be expected for the few additional students in recent years. Representatives from the school are coming within the next two weeks so the group can talk to them about the allocation. The group also discussed the WRSD budget and agreed that none of them support it, as it’s not sustainable. Advisory Board could recommend rejecting it at ATM and BOS could support their recommendation. Nina suggested that reasoning behind “not sustainable” should be presented, citing specific financial impacts. Discussion turned to the state’s Foundation Budget and Chapter 70 distribution to towns as not being fair, with other Wachusett District towns paying less per pupil than Princeton. Dave C. suggested it would be better to reject the budget as a gesture to the town’s legislators that Princeton needs their help.
        George asked about salaries up in public safety. Stan said their work is cycleable and seasonal and so is the budget, which reflects anticipated needs and not what may actually be spent. Group discussed police vehicles and the rotation is weighted toward purchase of two vehicles in a single year, when it could be staggered to one vehicle each year. To change the rotation it was recommended to put off this year’s proposed purchase. The roof at Fire Station #2 was considered, with repair estimated at $150,000 by the fire chief, which is lots more than installing just a new metal roof. The sub-roof and support structures may need work too.
        Nina suggested that spending articles to fund projects could include a sunset clause, so that unused funds, after a specified timeframe, can return to free cash with no further action.
6:40 PM  Group talked about the potential for WRSD towns individually paying for technology since they can support school infrastructure individually. The drawback is Rutland and Paxton not providing this support, which the other towns would eventually cover for all students. George is still requesting school principals to come up with a list of four major hurdles that would prevent their schools from ranking in the top ten in the state, and not just (lack of) money, but the actual hurdles. It was noted that the STEAM program makes T.P. School unique, and Nina suggested creating a line item for school building capital expenditures, as something must be targeted for the school. Capital expenditures over $25,000 are the town’s responsibility as per the lease, and that is being changed to $35,000 in a proposed, updated lease, which hasn’t been adopted yet.
        A voter tally system is being considered as a regional purchase by the Town of Grafton. It allows a hand-held button device for each voter at town meeting to replace hand-counts or ballots. More information is needed. As the 500 units are shared among towns, scheduling conflicts must be resolved.
        Stan and George asked for a total of all town salaries and burdens (benefits) and Nina agreed to distribute that info.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Judy Picket of the firm Thomas Mullen PC to another term as town counsel, from April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.

7:05 PM  Selectmen went into executive session. Selectmen voted to enter into executive session to discuss salaries for non-union personnel, and not to reconvene into open session. Stan M. made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21, to discuss town employee salaries and not to reconvene into open session” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Jon voted “Aye,” Edith voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  

See separate Executive Session minutes

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

BOS Referenced Documents:  FY’17 town budgets: charts and spreadsheets

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department